Norton City Schools

English Learners

What is the District policy on EL program services?

The Norton City School District seeks to provide every child, regardless of national origin or native language, quality and meaningful educational instruction.  Therefore, students who are English Learners (EL) are provided with a variety of instructional services that might include EL individual/small group instruction, inclusion, work modifications and accommodations, or teacher consultations that are designed to meet their unique needs.

What does research show about language acquisition?

Research suggests it takes one to two years to develop good conversational English skills (speaking and listening) and about seven years to develop proficient reading and writing skills.
Also, age of the child and literacy in the native language play an important role in English language acquisition.

How are EL students identified?

A Home Language Usage Survey  is completed at the time of registration to determine a student's language experiences and educational background, as well as the communication preferences of parents and guardians.  If the survey indicates a home language other than English, the Home Language Survey is forwarded to the EL tutor.

Guidelines for identifying English learners can be found here:

In addition, a teacher/counselor may refer a student to the EL tutor.

For those students who qualify for services, they will be provided instruction based on one or all of the following models:

English-only Supplemental Instruction - A program designed to meet special language needs of English learner students in which none of the instruction during the day incorporates the student's native language. Examples of instructional delivery options provided in their program are pull out tutoring sessions, sheltered content based classes, and support provided by an EL specialist.

Sheltered English Instruction - An instructional approach used to make academic instruction in English understandable to English learner students. In the pull out tutoring sessions, teachers use physical activities, visual aids and the environment to teach vocabulary for concept development in mathematics, science, social studies, and other subjects.

Consultation and Monitoring - Mutually agreed upon interactions between teachers and the EL tutor to gain information and resources to better support English learners as a population, as individuals, and as language learners. English language proficiency standards are addressed across the curriculum.

What is the next step?

After identifying potential English Learners via the Home Language Usage Survey, schools will assess the students by using the Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS). It is a state provided, standardized tool for determining a student's eligibility for EL program instruction. 

The OELPS aligns with Ohio's English Language Proficiency Standards, and is available in an online format for students in grades K-12. More information about the OELPS can be found here:

If is student is identified as an English Learner, the district will notify the parents or guardian and will explain the classification and available services.
How long will a child receive EL services?

Ell students will receive EL services until they reach English proficiency.  An annual state test, OELPA (grades K-12) is completed every year.  Students who scores 4's and 5's on all levels are released from the program and monitored for two years.  If a student does not receive those scores on all levels, they will continue to receive services that best fit their needs.
Information about the OELPA can be found here:

 When is the EL student exited from services?

The EL student will be exited from services when he/she scores proficient on the OELPA. The EL student will continue to be monitored for two additional school years. A notification letter will be sent home to the parents once the student is able to exit the program. 

Resources for EL Students, Families, and Teachers:

If you have any concerns, please contact the following individuals:
Mrs. Carrie Wible, [email protected], EL Support Teacher
Mrs. Terri Horton, [email protected], Director of Student Services
Mrs. Amy Olivieri, [email protected], Director of Federal Funds

Ohio Department of Education, Lau Resource Center for English Learners