School Closing on 1/21/2025 & 1/22/2025
Norton City Schools will be closed on January 21st and January 22nd due to the extremely cold temperatures forecasted for our area.  Stay warm!

Norton City Schools


Transportation Supervisor: Ms. Pauletta Gemind
Office Phone: 330-825-2226
Transportation Secretary: Mrs. Jennifer Parks
Office Phone:  330-825-2226

Transportation FAQs

Q: I cannot see my child's bus stop from the house. Are there state laws that set the standards for bus stop locations?
A: No law requires a parent to see the bus stop from home. Students in Ohio may be assigned to a bus stop up to one-half mile from their home, and we encourage parents to accompany their child to the bus stop whenever possible. This teaches the child safe habits of walking to and from the bus stop and may give the parent peace of mind. Bus stop locations are determined by each district’s Board of Education. 

Q: Are sidewalks required for my child to get to his/her bus stop?
A: Many students walk alongside of roadways to reach their bus stop, and in some instances, no sidewalks exist. While we understand this may be of concern in some situations, the Department of Education does not promulgate bus stop placement. Issues relating to where a child’s bus stop is located and safety concerns along the way to the bus stop must be addressed with the district in which you reside.

Q: I make my child wait inside of my house until the bus is at the stop. I have heard this is not allowed- is this true? 
A: Ohio law requires children to be waiting at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to its arrival. Bus drivers count the students at the bus stop before they load and as they get on the bus to ensure all children are safely on board. If students are not waiting at the bus stop the bus driver cannot count them and cannot be certain the students are all safely on board. Waiting at the bus stop before the bus arrives further ensures that no one chases after the bus – this is a very dangerous thing to do. Many districts also instruct their buses to not stop at locations where no students are waiting.

Q: My child has an I.E.P. but transportation is not being provided. Why is this? 
A: A child who has an I.E.P. does not automatically receive transportation services. If transportation is not included on the I.E.P. your child will be transported similarly to regular education students in your district.

Pick-Up/Drop-Off Times:

State law requires students to be at the bus stop (at their "Designated Place of Safety" which is determined by the bus driver) 5 minutes prior to the scheduled stop time. Scheduled pick-up/drop-off times are approximate based on the student roster at the time the routes were created. These times may be subject to change within the first couple of weeks of school. We are receiving additions/changes/deletions on a daily basis which does affect the routing and times. Additionally, weather conditions, road construction, traffic and train delays can also impact pick-up/drop-off times.

Eligibility for Transportation-Measuring Distances:
We DO NOT use measurements based on internet mapping applications. Our distance calculations are in accordance with ODE Administrative Code 3301-83-01(G1a) which states, "Measurement of distance originates at a point on the traveled portion of the roadway nearest the primary entrance to the place of residence and then along the most direct route traversable, excluding interstate routes by motor vehicle, to the school bus loading area nearest and opposite the entrance door used by pupils transported." 

Q: How should I stop for a school bus?
A: On a road with fewer than four lanes:

On a road with fewer than four lanes, all traffic approaching a stopped school bus from either direction must stop at least 10 feet from the front or rear of the bus and remain stopped until the bus begins to move or the bus driver signals motorists to proceed.

On a road with four or more lanes:

If the bus is stopped on a street with four or more lanes, ONLY traffic proceeding in the SAME  direction as the bus must stop.
  • Never pass a school bus on the right
  • All school busses MUST stop before crossing railroad tracks, never pass a bus at a railroad crossing
  • Be aware of school zone signals and always obey the posted speed limits
Failure to stop for a school bus adds 2 points to your license in Ohio and is punishable by fines up to $500.  You must appear in court and the judge has the discretion to suspend your driver’s license for up to one year.