School Closing on 1/21/2025 & 1/22/2025
Norton City Schools will be closed on January 21st and January 22nd due to the extremely cold temperatures forecasted for our area.  Stay warm!

Norton City Schools

Progress Book for Parents

Progress Book for Parents

Click here to log in to Progress Book and view grades.
*Parent Access accounts are provided for those grade levels (3-12) using letter grades on the report card.
The teaching staff at Norton City Schools for grades K-12 use Progress Book software for purposes applicable to their grade level:
  • Grades K, 1, and 2 use Progress Book for report card entry only. (Kindergarten and First Grade progress reports go home at the end of each semester).
  • Grades 3 and 4 use Progress Book for report card entry as well as assignments and grades.
  • Grades 5-12 use Progress Book for report card entry as well as assignment and grade entry.
***Important Tip***
When viewing your child's grades for a particular class, it's important to click on the link at the bottom of the list of assignments titled, "View by Assignment Type."  Teachers for grades 3-12 will be using weighted categories or assignment types.  The two types are academic achievement and academic practice.  Clicking this link will show you your child's average for each weighted assignment category as well as their total average for the course.  If your child is struggling in a particular category, this allows you to see categories of weakness and assist in that area.
Weights for Assignment Types By Grade Level:
Academic Achievement
Academic Practice
Grades 3 & 4
Grades 5 & 6
Grades 7 & 8
Grades 9-12
No less than 75
No more than 25
For more information on grading and reporting, please go here.
Registration keys are mailed out for newly enrolled students in grades 3-12 parents/guardians about 3 weeks after school starts.  This is done at this time to ensure we use the most current address for the student and include any students enrolling at the start of the school year.
I had a username and password for my child last school year at Norton, will it still work during the next school year?
Yes!  if you forget your password, click the link on the site to retrieve it.
My child is new to Norton City Schools this year.  How do I get a username and password to view grades?
Parents of students new to Norton after the start of the school year need to request a registration key from  Carina Smith at 330.825.0863 or [email protected].  This information can only be emailed or mailed for security purposes.
What do I do if I forget my username or password?
At the login screen, there are two links to have this information emailed to you.  If the system doesn't recognize the email address, contact Carina Smith at 330.825.0863 or [email protected].
How does my child get their own account?
Parents can create student accounts from their login.  Click here for directions.
Why can't I see my child's assignments for some classes when I click on the grade for that class?
When a teacher creates an assignment, he or she must check a box marked, "Post to the Web," in order for it to be viewable through Parent Access.  Teachers should be posting grades with in a week of an assignment.  Checking with the teacher is the first step in troubleshooting this issue.  If you are still in need of assistance, please contact Angie Wagler at [email protected]