Norton Primary Parent Advisory Committee
City of Norton, Summit County, Ohio
By-Laws-Revised, October, 2003
The name of this Association is Norton Primary Parent Advisory Committee
Which uses the acronym P.A.C.
Section 1. To promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, school
and community.
Section 2. To develop cooperation between educators and parents.
Section 3. To acquaint the general public with the needs and aims of
ARTICLE III – Membership
Section 1. The Association shall conduct an annual enrollment of members
between September 1st and September 30th. However, persons may
be admitted to membership at any time thereafter during the school
1(a). “Member” shall be defined as any person, teacher or employee of
this school having a direct relationship to a child in Norton
Primary School.
Section 2. Only members in good standing and whose current dues are paid,
shall be eligible to vote in the business meetings of this
Association or serve in any of its’ elective or appointed positions.
Section 1. Each member of the Association shall pay annual dues of $1.00.
Section 2. All dues collected will go directly to literacy enrichment materials
at Norton Primary.
Section 3. The fiscal year shall be July 1st to June 30th.
ARTICLE V – Officers and Elections
Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be President or Co-Presidents,
Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Current elected officers
shall comprise the “Executive Board”.
1(a). The offices of President or Co-Presidents, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote of the
general membership in attendance at the meeting month prior to
1(b). Officers shall be installed preceding the adjournment of the May
meeting of the Association and shall assume official duties
following the last day of the present school year. A term shall be
one year.
1(c). A board meeting shall be held in June to serve as a transitional
1(d). A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive
terms in the same office, nor accept nomination for more than one
office simultaneously. A person who has served more than half a
term shall be credited with having served a full term.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall appoint a chairperson for the
nominating committee by March 1st. The nominating chairperson
shall be responsible for securing a committee of five members in
good standing from the general membership of the Association.
This committee will solicit possible Board candidates from the
entire membership.
2(a). The nominating committee shall interview all candidates and select
at least one nominee for each elected office before presenting a
slate of officers to the Executive Board prior to the general election
meeting in April. At the April election meeting, additional
nominations may be made from the floor.
2(b). A candidate must be an active P.A.C. committee member and have
served as a committee chairperson in the past three years to be
eligible for nomination.
2(c). A vacancy in any elective position shall be filled for the remaining
term by appointment of the Executive Board. The vacancy shall be
filled by the next meeting after the vacancy occurs.
ARTICLE VI – Duties of the Executive Board
Section 1. The general duties of the Executive Board shall be to transact
necessary business of the Association. Resolutions must be
submitted to and approved by the Executive Board prior to vote by
the general membership present.
1(a). The Executive Board shall approve the plans of work of all
“Special Committees” and report on its work and present proposals
to the Association at the regular meetings.
1(b). The Executive Board shall approve the budget and present it to the
Association for approval at the first meeting of the school year.
1(c). This Board shall approve routine bills within the limits of the
budget and expenditures under $100.00. Amounts in excess of
$100.00 shall require approval of the Association.
1(d). All officers shall perform the duties outlined in these By-Laws and
deliver to their Successors, all official material at the close of the
school year.
Section 2. The President or Co-Presidents shall preside at all meetings of the
Association and direct the work of the Association. The President
or Co-Presidents shall be an ex-officio member of all committees
except the audit committee and the nominating committee, unless
it is their last term. The President or Co-Presidents shall perform
such other duties as may be prescribed in these By-laws or
assigned to him/her by the Association. The President or Co-
Presidents shall co-sign the checks of the Association greater than
$100.00. The President or Co-Presidents shall vote only in the
event of a tie.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President or
Co-Presidents and shall serve as an aid to the President or Co-
3(a). Procedures – The Vice-President shall be responsible for
monitoring the Association meetings to insure procedure is
followed in accordance with these Association By-Laws and
Robert’s Rules of Orders. The Vice-President shall be responsible
for reviewing the Association By-Laws as deemed necessary by
the Executive Board or in a time period not to exceed five years.
3(b). Publicity – The Vice-President shall prepare publicity items
worthy for press, radio and television and shall give notice to the
press of meetings and special events. The Vice-President shall
inform the Association members of upcoming meetings and shall
be responsible for posters needed for the purpose of advertising
association events.
Section 4. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings of the
Association and shall perform such other duties as may be
delegated to him/her. The Secretary shall see that all officers and
chairpersons are provided with copies of the By-Laws and current
budget. He/she shall see that all officers have a copy of minutes
for review prior to the monthly meeting.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association; shall
keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements; and shall
pay out funds as approved by the Executive Board and authorized
by the Association. All requests for funds not included in the
budget must be submitted on a PAC request form and filled out
completely before disbursement of monies can be made. The
President or Co-Presidents shall co-sign all checks of the
Association greater than $100.00. The Treasurer shall be bonded
during the term of office at the expense of the Association.
5(a). All invoices/expenses are to be turned in to the Treasurer by June
30th so that the books may be closed for auditing. The Treasurer’s
accounts shall be examined annually by the Auditing Committee.
Books should be audited and turned over to the new Treasurer no
later than July 31st.
5(b). The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly Account Balance Statement
which line itemizes all account beginning balances; monthly
receipts; monthly expenditures; and ending balances. The
Treasurer shall see that all officers have a copy of the monthly
statement for review prior to the monthly Association meeting. A
copy of each statement will be submitted as part of monthly
ARTICLE VII – Meetings
Section 1. Regular meetings of this Association shall be held on the first
Thursday of each month.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the
Executive Board with five days written notice having been given to
the membership.
Section 3. Those members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the
transactions of business in any meeting of this Association.
ARTICLE VIII– Fundraising Committees
Section 1. The Executive Board shall appoint the chairpersons of the
Fundraising Committees. The Chairperson of Fundraising
Committees shall present plans of work for approval to the
Executive Board prior to any action or distribution of any
materials. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two
consecutive terms as the same committee chairperson. However, if
there is no one interested in the position at the end of those two
years, they can continue on as committee chair. A representative
of each Fundraising Committee is required to attend the monthly
meetings. If they are unable to attend the meeting, a written report
must be submitted to the President or Co-President prior to the
monthly meeting for report to the Association.
Section 2. Fundraising Committees of this Association shall be as follows:
Membership, Budget Fundraiser, Label Collection, Community
Cash Backs, Market Day, School Store, Book Fair, Popcorn and
2(a). Membership – The membership committee shall be responsible
for coordinating the Associations membership drive between
September 1st and September 30th. Membership drive duties shall
consist of selection and promotion of a theme, distribution of
membership applications and the recording of all membership
names and totals. All records will be forwarded to the President or
Co-Presidents upon completion of the membership drive. All
proceeds from the Membership drive will go directly to the
school’s literacy program.
2(b). Budget Fundraiser – The Budget Fundraising committee shall
implement plans for raising funds for the Association to meet the
annual budget. It shall be responsible for giving the Treasurer
reports of all projects and funds raised. The Association shall not
sponsor more than four fundraisers a year. The budget fundraiser
will be held in the fall in order to meet the present year’s budget.
Records of all sales will be reported to the President or Co-
Presidents upon completion of this fundraiser. All proceeds will
go directly to the general operating fund.
2(c). Label Collection – Committee representatives will collect the
various labels from each classroom on a monthly basis. Labels
should be collected and counted before the last day of each month.
Record of monthly collections will be reported to the President or
Co-Presidents upon completion each month. Current Sub-Chairs
are Big “G” and Campbell Labels. All proceeds will go directly to
the general operating fund.
2(d). Community Cash Backs – Committee representatives will collect
the various receipts from each classroom on a monthly basis.
Receipts should be collected and counted before the last day of
each month. Record of monthly collections will be reported to the
President or Co-Presidents upon completion each month. Current
Sub-Chairs are Giant Eagle, Acme, Target and K-Mart. All
proceeds will go directly to the general operating fund.
2(e). Market Day – The Market Day committee will be responsible for
organizing the Market Day sales, obtaining volunteers to run the
sales, calling people to remind them of the sale, and all publication
regarding Market Day. Record of monthly sales will be reported to
the President or Co-Presidents upon completion of each monthly
sale. All proceeds will go directly to the general operating fund.
2(f). School Store – Committee representatives will stock and operate
the school store each Wednesday during all lunch periods.
Maximum and minimum stock will be maintained. Cash deposits
will be submitted to the treasurer weekly. Profits will be reported
at the monthly meetings. All proceeds will go directly to the
general operating fund.
2(g). Book Fair – This committee will schedule volunteers to operate
the annual Scholastic Book Fair. All proceeds will go directly to
the school’s literacy program.
2(h). Auction – The Association will support an annual Auction to raise
funds for major purchases for the school outside the annual
operating budget of the Association. The Auction committee will
develop a theme and make all arrangements for a successful event
with all proceeds going directly to a capital expenditure(s) for the
school to be determined before the event.
2(i). Popcorn – This committee will schedule volunteers to make and
distribute popcorn for sale to student every Friday. Cash deposits
will be submitted to the treasurer weekly. Profits will be reported
at the monthly meetings. All proceeds will go directly to the
general operating fund.
ARTICLE IX – Activity Committees
Section 1. The Executive Board shall appoint the chairpersons of the Activity
Committees. A representative of each Activity Committee is
required to attend the monthly meeting prior to and after their
event. If they are unable to attend a meeting, a written report must
be submitted to the President or Co-Presidents prior to the meeting.
Activity Committees are school support functions. These are not
operated for fundraising purposes. However, any unused funds or
proceeds from these functions will go directly to the general
operating fund.
Section 2. Activity Committees of this Association shall be as follows: Room
Parents, Birthday Club, Carnival, Santa Shop, Special Person(s)
Day and Crayon Words.
2(a). Room Parents – The room parent committee shall consist of two
co-chairpersons. This committee shall be responsible for
coordinating and planning classroom parties. This committee shall
recruit volunteers as Room Parents to assist in the above parties
and coordinate volunteers and organize the various classroom
2(b). Birthday Club –
2(c). Carnival –
2(d). Santa Shop –
2(e). Special Person(s) Day –
2(f). Crayon Words -
ARTICLE X – Special Committees
Section 1. The Executive Board shall appoint the chairpersons of the Special
Committees. A representative of each Special Committee is
required to attend the monthly meeting prior to and after their
event. If they are unable to attend a meeting, a written report must
be submitted to the President or Co-Presidents prior to the meeting.
Section 2. Special Committees shall include the following: Scholarship,
Kindergarten Registration, School Board Representative and
2(a). Scholarship – The Association shall provide for a donation for two
scholarship funds. The Scholarship Committee shall interview the
scholarship applicants and make their recommendation to the
Executive Board for approval.
2(b). Kindergarten Registration – This chairperson will prepare a list of
volunteers to work during the week of kindergarten registration in
the spring. Volunteers will assist parents and students through the
registration and testing process.
2(c). School Board Representative – This chairperson shall be
responsible for attending regular school board meetings of the
Norton City Schools and for reporting items and information to the
executive committee and the general membership when necessary
each month.
2(d). Audit – The Audit committee shall consist of a minimum of three
people who will audit the records of the Treasurer at the end of the
fiscal year, whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of the
Treasurer, or when the Executive Board deems it necessary. These
records shall then be returned to the Treasurer. The Treasurer and
President or Co-Presidents will not sit on this committee.
2(e). Historian – This committee is responsible for recording events via
pictures to preserve the memories, hard work, and dedication put
forth by this organization.
ARTICLE XI – Disbursement of Funds
Section 1. After payment of annual expenses, funds raised throughout the
year shall be distributed in accordance with the goals of the
Association at the end of each year. A minimum of 20% of the
current year’s budget shall be kept on account. Money raised for
any major association project may be held over in addition to the
yearly minimum.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall accept, review and recommend
applications for the disbursement of funds.
Section 3. No part of the Association net earnings shall inure to the benefit
Of private shareholders or individuals and it shall not as a
substantial part of Association activities, attempt to influence
legislation (unless it elects to come under the provisions allowing
certain lobbying expenditures) or participate to any extent in a
political campaign for or against any candidate for public office.
ARTICLE XII – Dissolution of the Association
In the event of the dissolution of the Association, its’ assets shall
be distributed for one or more of the exempt purposes specified in
the section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 as
from time to time amended.
ARTICLE XIII – Amendments
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the
Association by a two-thirds vote of the members present and
voting, provided, that notice of the proposed amendment shall have
been given at the previous meeting.
Section 2. A committee under the direction of the Vice-President may be
appointed to submit a revised set of By-Laws as a substitute for
existing By-Laws only by a majority vote of those present at a
meeting of the Association or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive
Board. The requirements for adoption of a revised set of By-Laws
shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.
Section 3. Any member may propose an amendment to the By-Laws,
provided that, the proposal is in writing and presented to the Vice-
President for consideration.
1. Awards Day - The Association will provide certificates for student
achievements at the end of the year ceremony. This is a budget item.
2. Field Day – The Association will provide Field Day ribbons for students
at the end of the year Field Day event. This is a budget item.
3. Field Trips – The Association will pay up to $5.00 per child and 2 adults
per classroom for every classroom to take one field trip per year. This is a
budget item.
4. Mother’s Day Gifts – The Association will pay up to $4.90 for each
Kindergarten child to give a Mother’s Day gift to their parent. This is a
budget item.
5. Paired/Shared Reading – The Association will donate reward items to all
children who have successfully completed the paired reading program at
kindergarten and first grade levels. This is a budget item.
6. Right to Read – The Association will donate
7. Staff Appreciation – A committee will be formed to provide lunches for
all school staff on day per month. Luncheon items will be provided by
parent volunteers with a small amount budgeted each month for the entrée.
This is a budget item.
8. Teachers/Secretaries/Staff – The Association will provide $75.00 for
each classroom teacher to purchase classroom items for this year’s
students. This includes the Preschool and MH teachers. An amount of
$45.00 each will be issued to Music, Art, Physical Education, Title I and
school Tutor. An amount of $45.00 will also be issued for the school
Secretary. This is a budge item.
9. Roller Skating – – The Association will fund the annual roller skating
session of the physical education department. All classrooms, except
preschool and MH will participate. This is a budget item.
10. The Association can make other suggestions as the need arises and a vote
may be taken.