Norton City Schools

Superintendent's Office

Bryan Farson, Superintendent
Phone: (330) 825-0863

Kelly Osborne, Superintendent's Secretary
Phone: (330) 825-0863

Superintendent's Message

Welcome to the 2023 -2024 School Year!

As I begin my second year as a proud Norton Panther, I look forward to continuing the work we have started over the past year alongside our dedicated educators, supportive parents, and engaged students who make this community exceptional.

As superintendent, my primary goal is to ensure that every student receives a high-quality education that prepares them for success in an ever-changing world. I believe in the power of collaboration and open communication between the school and the community. Together, we can create an environment that fosters academic excellence, personal growth, and preparation for the future.

Norton is firmly committed to academic achievement and individual development. We will continue to provide unique and innovative learning opportunities, promote critical thinking skills, and foster inclusivity and respect. I firmly believe that education is a lifelong journey, and it is our joint responsibility to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to navigate through today’s complex society.

I invite all of you to participate in our educational community. Your input, support, and involvement are necessary.  As we continue our journey, I encourage you to attend school board meetings, join our parent-teacher associations, and take advantage of opportunities to volunteer in the district. Let us work together to create a place where every student will thrive and achieve their full potential.

I am truly honored to serve as your superintendent, and I am committed to building upon the  excellence that exists within the Norton community. I look forward to listening to your ideas and working together to shape a bright and promising future for our students.

Together, we will strive for greatness and ensure that our schools remain a source of opportunity and success for all of our students.

Go Panthers!

Bryan Farson, Superintendent